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Basic Pistol Instructor

The NRA requires that all new instructors first sit Basic Instructor Training (please see here >> for more on "BIT" ) before siting any specific shooting discipline. The NRA also mandates that for current instructors who have not sat BIT in the past two years must re-sit Basic Instructor Training.

Fortress Consulting Group typically offers "BIT" 8-12 times each year, and almost always with Basic Pistol Instructor and/or with Chief Range Safety Officer.

Basic Pistol Instructors teach & verify students how to safely shoot using pistol shooting fundamentals. For all new instructor candidates, the total time required for Basic Pistol Instructor is eighteen (18hrs). For those who are already certified as a NRA Basic Firearms Instructor, the total time for Basic Pistol Instructor is eleven (11) hours, inclusive of that time needed for the pre-course qualification (see below).

In addition to the requirements listed on the "BIT" page for all new NRA instructor candidates, there are requirements specific to Pistol Instructor. All new pistol instructor candidates and must successfully complete a pre-course qualification, which is normally conducted 2-3 weeks before the start of a listed Pistol Instructor workshop, and is included in the cost of the course.

Please see this link  for the NRA's pre-course qualification for Basic Pistol Instructor candidates.

Please see here for more information on Blended Learning requirements for new NRA Basic Pistol Instructor candidates.

Course Information:
Prerequisites: Must be able to lawfully possess a handgun in the jurisdiction where range exercises are conducted.
Course Length: Eighteen hours (7 hrs BIT + 11  hrs Pistol Instructor)
Class/Range: Both
Materials Required: All class materials are provided.
For the range, the following is required:
Pistol, eye & ear protection, 80-120 rounds of ammunition
One magazine or speed loader.
***There may be other requirements specific to the range used for this course***

Please see our schedule for dates and times for all classes.