We have trained and certified hundreds of NRA instructors. If you are not yet an instructor, and are thinking about becoming an NRA certified instructor, we have the experience and proven track record to help you obtain your goal.
Still, it is our experience that many prospective NRA instructor candidates do not appreciate how demanding and rigorous the NRA instructor training and certification process is, often times realizing when they are already committed to the course that they may not be at that standard required to simply sit the course.
There are three areas we have identified in which instructor candidates are likely to show underdevelopment. These are: -
Fortress Consulting Group has created and offers a "bridge" class to prospective instructors who may be lacking in one or more of those areas listed above. Our 8hr class has a combination of classroom and range exercises individually tailored for prospective instructor candidates. Candidates who have sat this class have a very high success rate going thru the NRA Basic Instructor program. Still, only you can guarantee your success in the NRA instructor program. Participants who sit our bridge class are afforded a credit (usually 1/2 of the cost of the bridge class) if they sit the NRA instructor course with us.
THIS COURSE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE NRA. NO NRA CERTIFICATION IS GRANTED UPON COMPLETION OF OUR "BRIDGE" CLASS. All participants who successfully complete the bridge class are exempt from OUR pre-course exercise for new instructor candidates.