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The NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home course is geared towards defensive use of the pistol within or around the confines of one's dwelling. This course builds on the shooting fundamentals introduced in Basic Pistol, and adds elements of cover & concealment, point shooting and accelerated shots.

Classroom curriculum includes firearms possession and the law, use of deadly force, responding to violent confrontations, the physiological and psychological responses to stress, the emotional and legal effects & repercussions of a deadly force encounter with a firearm, selecting a firearm for self-defense, formulating an emergency plan in response to a possible break in - among other topics.

All candidates for this course must pass a pre-course evaluation, or validate their shooting experience. Validation of shooting experience can be one of the following -

  • NRA Basic Pistol Course Certificate
  • Winchester / NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program (pistol)
  • Pistol Qualification card
  • Military DD 214 with pistol qualification
  • Passing the pre-course evaluation

The pre-course evaluation has four exercises:

  1.  State & demonstrate the three fundamental rules for safe gun handling; demonstrate the proper loading, cocking, uncocking and unloading procedures with a pistol using inert cartridges.
  2. Shoot groups from a supported position at a distance of fifteen (15ft) feet; three five-shot groups all within a nine inch group on a target.
  3. Demonstrate how to zero a pistol.
  4. Demonstrate how to properly clean a pistol.

Equipment required for this class:

All materials are provided for the classroom portion of this course.

For the range, the following is usually required:

  • Pistol of caliber .380, .38SPL, 9x19mm or above
  • Eye & ear protection
  • One hundred and fifty (150) rounds of ammunition
  • Two magazines or speed loaders.

***There may be other requirements specific to the range used for this course***