A common criticism we hear from students (and instructor candidates) is that previous NRA classes they have taken failed to meet the stated standard for the course, and that the number of hours for those courses are often severely curtailed.
We take pride in knowing that we teach to, and meet all NRA standards and learning objectives. For example; there are nineteen learning objectives for students in a Basic Pistol course. Students in a Basic Pistol course are not certified by us until and unless they have demonstrated competency with those nineteen listed objectives to be awarded a course certificate. Furthermore, all classes are run for the minimum advertised times. In many instances (particularly with skills based activities at the range) we supersede the listed times in order to ensure skill proficiencies are met. Still, we recognize that your time is valuable. If in a group setting there are students incapable of keeping abreast of the material with the rest of the class, we may choose to provide individual instruction or with a very small group to ensure all students receive full value for their training dollars.
We offer NRA courses for Basic Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle, Personal Protection Inside the Home, Personal Protection Outside the Home, Range Safety Officer (RSO) & Reloading. We also offer Advanced Pistol. Please note: The Personal Protection series of courses are handgun based.