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Chief Range Safety Officer

The NRA Chief Range Safety Officer course prepares well experienced Range Safety Officers who are also instructors (or who have sat the Basic Instructor Training course) to supervise all range activities - including supervising RSOs, and to train and certify Range Safety Officers. A NRA certified  Chief Range Safety Officer's duty can also include drafting and implementing a Range's Standard Operating Procedures manual (usually done under direction from range owners or a board of directors). The "Range Safety Officer" certification is not an instructor rating, in that RSOs do not certify shooters; RSOs are certified to organize, supervise and conduct range activities and range operations.

Course Information:


  • Basic Instructor Training must be completed within the past two calendar years.
  • The NRA Range Safety  Officer certification is required prior to sitting this course. The only exception is if RSO/CRSO are being offered in tandem.
  • All candidates must be over 21, and must be able to lawfully possess handguns within the jurisdiction where the class is being conducted.

Course Length: Eight hours

Class/Range: Classroom only
Materials Required: All class materials are provided.