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NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Instructor

The NRA's Personal Protection series of courses is based off and built upon Basic Pistol. Thus, Personal Protection Inside and Outside the Home Instructor candidates must be competent pistol shooters and instructors. All applicants to a Personal Protection (Inside or Outside) Instructor course must already be a NRA Basic Firearms Pistol Instructor. Likewise, students who wish to sit the Personal Protection courses must also demonstrate safe pistol handling skills and shooting proficiency with handguns.

We highly recommend that all PPOTH instructor candidates take both the basic + advanced courses, as the primary difference in the advanced course is five hours of range activities.

Course Information:
Prerequisites: Must be able to lawfully possess a pistol in the jurisdiction where range exercises are conducted.  Only those candidates who have successfully completed the NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home Instructor and NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home Student course are allowed to take this course.
Course Length: 9 hours (basic only) ; 14 hours (basic + advanced)
Class/Range: Both
Materials Required: All class materials are provided.
For the range, the following is required:

  • Pistol of caliber .380, .38SPL, 9x19mm or above
  • A holster and three mag/speed loader pouch(es)
  • Eye & ear protection
  • Two hundred (200) rounds of ammunition

.***There may be other requirements specific to the range used for this course***

Please see our schedule below for dates and times for all classes.